Whether you got here from a recommendation or through the wizardry of the Internet search, thanks for stopping by!
I created this blog to showcase some of the best burgers in the country – ones that I can personally endorse.
As I am constantly travelling, I am always testing new suggestions and checking those found on the "Best Burger" lists.
I will be updating the site as often as I have time, so keep sending ideas my way! Again, thanks for checking this out!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

What Makes the BEST burger?

Finally getting back to this blog, after MANY people have asked me about it.

To recap from a previous post:

Where are the best burgers? If you have ever had a meal with me, in all likelihood it was at a place that serves a decent burger. Not all burgers are created equal (by any means), and I would contend that there is the point that “the best” is a matter of personal style or preference (flame broiled or fried, special toppings or in the buff).

My criteria are probably overly simplistic, but I am not complicated when it comes to judging quality burgers: bun, meat and cheese.

The Bun: the most overlooked aspect of a great burger is the bun. The bun should match the burger type. Lots of variables here, but the bun should never be discounted.

The Cheese: I am a good ol’ American cheese kind of guy. Some places will offer a variety of cheeses for the individual palate, but American cheese should always be an option.

The Meat: Fresh, never frozen. Ground chuck is always a good place to start (not too fat, not too lean). A seasoning salt is not out of the question, but good ground beef should be able to stand on its own.

The Toppings: Unfortunately, if you came here looking for the best guacamole and peanut butter burger, you have come to the wrong place.  Call me a burger purist (I am), or a burger snob (I am that as well), but I believe that if you are interested in the best topping for a burger, you are not really interested in the burger itself. If you want great guac, go to any number of Mexican restaurants and they will make it at your table. If you are looking for a menu of 30 different toppings to mask the quality of your burger, then so be it - MANY people are interested in that, and just as many will lay claim to the "Best ______ Burger" and that is OK as well.  You just will not find those burgers listed here.


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