Whether you got here from a recommendation or through the wizardry of the Internet search, thanks for stopping by!
I created this blog to showcase some of the best burgers in the country – ones that I can personally endorse.
As I am constantly travelling, I am always testing new suggestions and checking those found on the "Best Burger" lists.
I will be updating the site as often as I have time, so keep sending ideas my way! Again, thanks for checking this out!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Top Burger List - The Daily Meal 2017

From time to time, I will share "Top Burger" lists. Generally, I disagree with them - primarily because I don't particularly care for how they judge what is a good burger or not (it all goes back to the discussion about "Is it the best burger?" or "Is is the best toppings for a burger?" conversation) - most of the lists err on the side of the best toppings.

That said, they nearly always contain a worthy recommendation, and I pay attention to them even if I don't completely agree with them.

Case in point, a reader of this blog recently shared the 2017 Daily Meal Top 101 Burger List, mainly to illustrate that there were several of my favorites named on the list. You can see the entire list here:


Take a look, and let me know what you think.  As mentioned, there are several on this list that I would recommend. And as soon as my schedule frees up even a little, I will post a review.

Until then, enjoy! And if you have a favorite that did not make the list, please send it my way!


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