Whether you got here from a recommendation or through the wizardry of the Internet search, thanks for stopping by!
I created this blog to showcase some of the best burgers in the country – ones that I can personally endorse.
As I am constantly travelling, I am always testing new suggestions and checking those found on the "Best Burger" lists.
I will be updating the site as often as I have time, so keep sending ideas my way! Again, thanks for checking this out!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Blog Is Reborn!

After being absent for many years, I have returned to bring you commentary about the best burgers in the country (sometimes in the world)!  I am considered to be an expert at many things, but I am often considered the undisputed master of all things burger, and friends / co-workers / acquaintances can attest to my passion about finding - and EATING - the best burgers around.

So enjoy! I can't promise the frequency of posts or reviews, but I will try to update whenever possible, especially when I come across something praiseworthy.

I also ask that you share your burger experiences with me - preferably enjoying one with me.

Happy Eating!


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